Find one hour each day this week to focus on ‘deep work’
Absolute focus on a project during this time.
Reflect on your progress – how much did you achieve?
Spinning plates makes us busy for busy’s
sake. Make a change and focus!
Deep work involves working on a single demanding task without breaking
focus for a specific stretch of time. For me, this tends to be 60 minutes (you
know, where time flies but you get so much done?)
Deep work might involve:
Researching your project, work, market place or customer
Writing thoughtful content based on insight not just information
Analysing data to make better decisions for you and the team
Working on the strategy of the project or marketing plans of the business.
Shallow work is more tactical, ‘busy’ work and administrative tasks and duties
that are often done whilst multi tasking.
Shallow work might entail spinning many plates and multi tasking such as;
Email and chat communication (WhatsApp, Messenger)
Data entry and creating reports
Checking social media for that notification
Having a meeting for meetings’ sake or a meeting about the previous
To achieve deep work means to spend uninterrupted time with complete
focus on the task at hand. For me, I will block out time in the calendar for
planning time, for deep work time. I know that during this time I will be
uncontainable and will be turning off distractions and notifications that could
I guess there’s a risk that you could try to deep work for the full day, so be
disciplined and try to stick to one hour each day this week. You most likely still
need to get the tactical side done too so just like avoiding clogging up your
diary with shallow work, nor should you just focus on deep work, because
then who else is going to do the other stuff?!