How do you feel about money?
It’s not something I need to do, it’s what I want to do…
Very much like that task of challenging your relationship with money, it’s
important to understand what you feel about money in the first place?
If you don’t like it or don’t feel that it’s integral to your day to day life, this is a
very different mindset to those who think it makes the world go round and
strive to get more and more of it at any cost.
For me, money isn’t the goal in itself. Security is the goal. And I know that
security comes at a cost so my feelings towards money are that is can very
much contribute to that security, a means to an end as it were and not the
end in itself.
Your feelings and the feelings of those in your household of course will vary
to mine (that’s the purpose of this journal, right!) so make sure you have a
holistic view on the feelings in your household to money.
Reflect back on them and think if the way you feel about money is healthy
and conducive to achieving your overall aims in a professional and personal
If not, what would you like them to be and who can help you adjust
your feelings towards all things finance.