Plan something exciting for the weekend for all the family
I’ll be honest, there was an impending sense of dread.
This can be something I struggle with and I know is one of my weaknesses. I know I can actively avoid doing things as a whole family because of my own anxieties or presumptions that it will end in tears somewhere down the line. The dread of chaos and noise noise that will disturb others or make me look like a bad parent with terrible kids. The expense of taking a family of five out anywhere has an impact back on the roles of work and self. Not to mention the internal family stress and arguments between the kids, me and the kids, the wife the the kids and me and the Mrs.
Doesn’t sound like great fun does it?! But this is all my own doing and all my own negative talk that is creating scenarios which haven’t yet happened and allowing that talk to prevent the risk of it happening at all by not putting myself (or the family) in that situation.
It’s a really challenging situation and one I’m glad to address and better myself at doing. My focus to try and overcome the blockers is to take the kids somewhere that is good for them first and me second. A coffee shop will be boring as anything for a 5 year old. A nice restaurant on a Saturday night will be too tense for an 8 year old, and a 3 year old doesn’t want to go clothes shopping.
They want to go swimming, running, playing football, out on bikes or parties with their mates.And you know what? When I do these things with them, as a family, I have fun too. My kids need to be kids and I need to enjoy those moments with them, not force them to be a grown up in situations where I find enjoyment. Because seeing them happy, makes me happy too.