Think of 3 ways your work can be better

Write a proposal about it.

I wish they’d do this, it’d make things a
whole lot better!

I don’t know about you but when I was in employment I used to love coming
up with ideas about how to make things better, more productive, better
selling and all around better for customers. Coming up with ideas for things
has never really been a weakness of mine and I used to enjoy writing down
my ideas to share with colleagues and my bosses.

One of my bug bears in the workplace though is moaning. Don’t get me
wrong, I’ve been guilty of it myself, moaning about how something could
be better, how we would be much better off if only we did this or how if the
company just changed this one thing, the world will be a better place!
I get it, we enjoy having a good moan every now and then, but from that
moaning what ever comes from it? It’s here that I think this challenge picks
up the baton. Think about your workplace or your business. How can things
improve? How can you do things better? How can you positively impact
things in the workplace? What are you observing in the marketplace that
creates opportunities to improve?

If you struggle for motivation or a starting point, try beginning your text with
the following;

What would happen if…
Imagine if we could…
It’s really frustrating at work when…

These should help you connect with your ideas
generator and come up with some really positive and
impactful changes that could improve the workplace
for you, the team, and the customer.


10 Apr 2025


Page 184-189
Head to the Book of Dad
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