What is it that you want?

What is it that you want?

What does money enable you to do?

When I grow up I want to be a millionaire!

I remember when I was much younger, 10 or so, when the grown up life
slowly starts coming in to view and you start having conversations about what
you want to be or do when you grow up that is a little more meaningful or
realistic (though obviously not impossible!) than ‘space man’ or ‘professional
footballer’ or our ambition of ‘becoming a millionaire!’.

I don’t know about you but when I had kids my motivation, my desire and
my drive shifted. It was all for them. I know to provide for them I wanted to
do something that also challenged me and allowed me to realise my own
ambition but there have been times when that point, the realise my own
ambition piece really hits me in the face.

What is it that I actually want?!

And how much money do I need to achieve it?

By defining what I actually want to achieve in terms of business or professional
success, lifestyle, homelife and hobbies, I can better set targets financially to
help achieve them that adds a little more gravity to the purpose of money.
The pursuit of money for money’s sake has never interested me but likewise
I want to be financially secure and comfortable.

But the purpose that sits above money is what drives me. I speak to my family,
my business partners and friends and identify goals around each. What is it
that I want? And how much money is it going to take to get there?

This question helped me change my relationship
to money and I hope it helps you too.


22 May 2025


Page 36-41
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