What skills gap do you have at work?

What is your next little improvement?

Continuous improvement has to be the order of the day doesn’t it? As the
famous saying goes, what got you here, won’t get you there. There is bound
to be a skills gap in your work that you know if you had this ability then it might
put you in line for the next promotion or enable the business to develop in a
better way.

I love having my eyes open to development opportunities that challenge
me but that I know deep down will benefit me greatly. One example here
would be the skill of public speaking. I’m the type of man who will tend to
shy away from the spotlight, focus more on putting others first and ensuring
customers get the best experience. In my event promoting days for example
I was always the organiser in the background, never the frontman on stage.

As I moved in to self employment though I knew deep down that I had to
come out from my comfort zone somewhat and be more confident speaking
to groups, in crowds and share with confidence my passion for helping others.

I attended sessions to support this requirement at a public speaking training
programme and believe me when I tell you, I was a complete nervous wreck!

I can look back now and clearly see the development that I have gained. I
am more confident in groups, can speak with clarity and passion during the
training sessions we run and pass on that confidence to learners to ensure
they actually learn from what I’m sharing.

Without this skill it would be very hard to build a business I am building so I’d
encourage you all to take a look at your skill set today and ask yourself what’s
holding you back? What is missing?

I’m sure there are things you know that would help – even if they make you
feel uncomfortable and a nervous wreck like I was!


31 Jul 2025


Page 208-213
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