When at work, how much of your decisions are based on the impact at home?
Oh this is awkward, how is this going to play out at home?
Sometimes I can have a nice ideas for business development that I
immediately then know will burden me with more work and quite possibly
more time away from home. When we agree to work across the country for
example to build relationships with larger clients,. I know that each trip away
will be adding an extra night or two away from home, which then impacts
directly on the people at home who will need to take on more work as an
impact of my projects at work.
There’s not many worse feelings than the guilt of success. The euphoria of
a big win, a result or important development at work can be immediately
doused in guilt for the reasons outlined above.
For me, this created all the more reason to try and build agreements and
expectation around my work and ensure we are all on the same hymn sheet in
terms of why this work needs to happen, ie, it is contributing to the household
security and the ambition and continued development of the business.
If you find yourself avoiding opportunities at work because of their potential
strain or impact at home then perhaps you might benefit from checking
in at home to ensure you’re all aligned with the purpose, ambition and