
How are the kids? Fine!

How’s work? Great!

I found the journey in to fatherhood quite a lonely place and running a business on the side of this was incredibly challenging yet never could I find a space to share the sometimes things weren’t great! 

90% of the Dad’s we survey sense a feeling guilt and distraction with their roles. We try to juggle being Dad, husband, partner, friend, business owner, director, manager, son, spouse and more uet we do little to protect ourselves against the pressures and expectations that each of these roles bring. 

Dads In Business wants to change this and support Dads in the workplace manage these roles better.

Research & Info

Our sessions and spaces aim to generate ongoing research and insights in to a more honest overview of how Dad is doing. We’ve identified that 67% of Dads have noticed a rise in their feelings of anxiety and a whopping 83% feel overwhelmed on a daily or regular basis. This isn’t ok.

our sessions will help employers and workplaces and business communities provide better support processes that encourage more open and honest conversation with the Dads in that space. 

Supporting Men & Dads in the workplace

Download our free guide to help employers create a more inclusive and supportive work environment for men and dads.