Do something nice for a person this weekend without expecting anything in return
Honey, I’m coming to take you to lunch!
I think in a similar way we forget to do things for ourselves when we become
busy Dads we can also forget to do things for the grown ups in our lives who
are among the most important. They too have pressures, roles, responsibilities
that might be going unchecked and might be in need of a little surprise treat.
I think as a we get busy and we focus on work, kids, money it is easy to neglect
some of the important relationships that made us who we are.
I’d wake up sometimes with the intention of doing something but then for
some reason find an excuse not to do it; I don’t have time today, I can’t afford
it, it’ll distract from work, it’ll be rushed.
But I tell you what, by committing to it and actually doing it, I felt ten times
better having done it than the reasons not to could ever do. And the person
on the receiving end (my wife), was delighted, happy and smiling for she now
had that time to pause and connect with another grown up.
I must say I don’t think this needs to be an expensive outing. Often the little
things are the most important, so please don’t spend money you might not
have. I think the most important thing here is to interrupt patterns that may be
creating the mundane aspects of our life.
Yes, habits are important but every now and then
isn’t it nice to break them?!