How much do the kids cost?
and football
and clothes
and food
and sport
and games
and tech
and shoes and…
I have three kids and I’ll be honest, I find there is zero economies of scale
with kids! Here’s me thinking as the family grows, it’ll get cheaper! At time
of writing, all my kids and under 9 years of age, but already they’ve gone
through different phases; new born to baby to toddler to boy…
Each phase comes with its’ own pressures and requirements and with those
requirements comes a new range of costs. As part of my household budgeting
I sit down periodically and reassess where we are with what the kids cost.
When was the last time you looked at this?
What period of life are your kids at and how has this changed in terms of
financing and budgeting?
It’s important to me to keep a check on this as costs can quickly spiral. That
game or those clothes can add up and I think if you allow it to run away from
you it can soon enough creep back up on you when you least suspect it.