Set yourself a fitness goal

I used to love going to the gym.

Said the overweight me to the mirror one day.

Missing elements of your fitness routine for a day or two is going to happen
– we aren’t perfect and (most probably) we aren’t professional athletes, so in
my instance I want to:
a) Be happy with how I look
b) Be able to run about with the kids
c) Look as good as I can to my wife
d) Do a bit to protect against issues down the line

These four larger goals help me now build a plan of action to achieve them.
What could it take to achieve the goals A-D listed above?

And how do these goals hold me accountable?

Well, for me, I try to do 10,000 steps a day, get to the gym twice a week and
play football once a week – I feel this would be a decent level of fitness to
help me achieve my goals.

And if I wake up and can’t be bothered one winters’ morning? Not the end
of the world. But if I wake up two, three, four days a week not feeling the
motivation? Well, I can quickly refer back to my four main goals and ask
myself what doing nothing today will do to contribute achieving them.
I like to hold myself accountable and I use fitness apps or any of the
smart watches out there to track my steps and keep me responsible and

At the time of writing my average step count in a month hasn’t
dropped below 10,000 steps in over 9 months so I’m currently
quite satisfied with my level of activity.


17 Apr 2025


Page 264-269
Head to the Book of Dad
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