List 5 things that excite you and explain why
I don’t really think anything excites me,
just my work and relaxing at night.
Often times we speak with busy Dads who say things like ‘nothing really
excites me’ or ‘I’m not sure really, the kids I guess?’ Or ‘I dunno, excitement is
for other people, not me’.
Each of these sound quite familiar at different stages of my work and home
life. I used to feel guilty for daring to have a thought about hanging out for a
beer after work with a friend I’ve not seen for a while. There would be that
moment of excitement realising I don’t have to worry or be responsible
for anything during that moment in time but then wallop! I’d get the guilt
pangs about having to be home so I’d cancel the arrangement and go home
because ‘excitement was for other people’.
But as I get to grips again with more about what excites me I can see how this
benefits wholly the family unit and my professional work; I can have better
conversations, I am more productive, I’m more fun to talk to because I can
contribute to conversations beyond just work and kids.
So if you think nothing excites you, think again.
You aren’t probing deep enough.
I hope you can use this journal to help you discover more about
what really excites you and why.