Take a sheet of paper and do 15 minutes ‘wild writing’
I never knew I had so much on my mind.
Similar in outcome as the 10 minutes of silence challenge but different in
direction, the wild writing challenge a really great way of getting things that
might be rooted deep in your mind really out in the open and exposed.
There’s a real strength here in actually writing down what you think and feel,
and avoid if possible the keyboard or dictation. Why? Well I found a real
connection to the paper, the pen and me that I wouldn’t get from tapping
away on a computer.
Like being much more likely of success when we write down our goals, we are
so much more likely to get out of our sub conscious the things that concern
us or the opportunities we are sitting on by writing things down.
It doesn’t need to be grammatically true, perfectly formed paragraphs of
Shakespearean prose, but it does need to come out.
But where to start?!
It’s different for everyone of course, but I helpful to start with things like…
Today I did…
It’s bothering me when…
I’ve got so much on my mind that…
For me, these prompts begin to open that gates that will open the
floodgates so I encourage you to begin. Just start – I never knew
how much I had on my mind!