Track your sleep. How can you improve it?

Dream, anxieties, restlessness,
checking the phone…
it doesn’t add up to a good nights’ sleep.

I’m terrible for having a device next to me at night. See, I enjoy listening
audiobooks and podcasts to help me sleep, I find this period before sleep
a nice time to engage content that interests me, to learn about a topic or
engage in learning in something that will help me develop as a person or

Does it help my sleep? I don’t know. But I do try and keep a balance of my
sleep. If I have an early start I make sure I avoid alcohol, coffee too late in the
day or an overly heavy meal and I’ll be in bed relatively early to plan ahead
for the next day.

If I go to sleep anxious it doesn’t help my sleep so I really need to make sure
the daily tasks are taken care of where possible and any important emails are
read, responded to and dealt with. If I go to sleep with unfinished business as
it were, I can’t settle and I end up checking my phone for emails throughout
the night!

I took Facebook off my phone as an example because the endless notifications
and checking who does what at some ungodly hour became a habit I needed
to break.

How much sleep do you need?

How can you improve your sleep patterns and what habits can you break to
help improve the quality of your kip?


25 Dec 2025


Page 318-323
Head to the Book of Dad
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